Hollow Metal Frames
Hollow Metal Frames - Difference between KD DW (Knockdown Drywall) and welded (conventional) frames, the anchors for both, frame gauges available, hollow metal frame terminology, and detailed rough opening sizes. Why does a KD DW frame have a double back bend?
Profiles & Jamb Depths - Conventional Welded Frames for Interior Stud Walls or Exterior Walls. Note the difference between "throat size" and "jamb depth".
Profiles & Jamb Depths - Knockdown Drywall Frames for Interior Stud Walls. A better view of exactly what the jamb depth refers to and what the throat is. Also shows fully what a double backbend is.
Fire Rated Hollow Metal Frames - Complete fire rated frame information including A, B, and C label frames, along with the requirements of a fire rated opening.
Hurricane Wind Load Testing - FBC wind load approvals on our doors and frames, difference between FBC approvals and NOA's, wind speed to design pressure chart, wind-borne debris region. See what HVHZ and BWS mean.
Galvannealed Hollow Metal Frames - Coating designations, coating weights, types of zinc coating. See the difference between A40 and A60.